PUPPIES (10 months & younger):
Distemper - At least 2 vaccines of the series; the 2nd dose must be administered at least 14 days prior to any service
Bordetella - Must be administered at least 7 days prior to any service
Canine Bivalent Influenza - A series of 2 bivalent vaccines; the second vaccine must be administered at least days 7 prior to any service
Rabies - a single dose between 12 and 16 weeks of age
Leptospirosis & Lyme - Strongly recommended for all services
License - We require proof of city/town licensing for your pet, in accordance with Massachusetts Chapter 140 laws
DOGS (over 10 months):
Distemper - Must be current
Bordetella - Required every 6 months + must be administered at least 7 days prior to any service
Canine Bivalent Influenza - A series of 2 bivalent vaccines; the second vaccine must be administered at least days 7 prior to any service
Rabies - Must be current
Leptospirosis & Lyme - Strongly recommended for all services
License - We require proof of city/town licensing for your pet, in accordance with Massachusetts Chapter 140 laws
Feline Distemper - At least 2 vaccines of the series; the 2nd dose must be administered 7 days prior to boarding
Rabies - Must be current; required over 4 months old
*Pet Sitting requires the rabies vaccine only.