Perhaps the biggest flavor of the season, pumpkin is a fall favorite for good reason. Did you know that your cat or dog can enjoy pumpkin, too? Pumpkin is often used in pet food recipes, supplements, and so much more for the health benefits (and yummy flavor) it brings.      

Here’s what you need to know about feeding pumpkin to your pup or kitty.     

Benefits of Pumpkin for Dogs and Cats

Why is pumpkin so great? It contains many nutrients that support your pet’s health. Pumpkin is a high-water content food which helps relieve constipation and diarrhea. Prebiotics (food for ‘the good bacteria’) reduce infection severity, so your pet can fight off illnesses more easily.      

Vitamin A and beta-carotene

Similar to carrots, pumpkin contains the antioxidant beta-carotene, which gives it that rich orange color. Pumpkin has the same benefits, too– some of which include supported eye health, improved cognitive function, skin protection, and prevention against certain cancers.   Beta-carotene is converted into vitamin A in the body, which boosts immunity and supports your pet’s eye, skin, and coat health.     


Potassium helps keep blood and urine from becoming too acidic. Especially with cats, your pet may be prone to kidney and bladder issues. Loss of potassium leads to muscle stiffness, weakness, and poor hair quality. Pumpkin will help your pet inside and out with a shinier coat.      

Pumpkin for Cats

Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning the bulk of their diet must come from meat. Though they thrive off a “prey” diet, cats also crave variety. Adding a small amount of pumpkin to your kitty’s meals can make a positive difference in their health. Pumpkin’s neutral flavor and malleable texture make it a great food to add into a rotation!  Pumpkin is a low-calorie, high-fiber food and great for helping your cat relieve themselves of hairballs. If cats have hairball issues, it’s usually a sign that they have digestive upset where the hair cannot go through the digestive tract. Pumpkin contains soluble fiber, making it a simple solution to help ease your cat’s tummy troubles.     

Pumpkin for Dogs

Pumpkin is a great option for promoting all-around healthy digestion in dogs. At some point, your dog has probably experienced a bad bout of diarrhea or constipation. While extremely common, there is something you can do to help your pup feel better! A couple of teaspoons of pure pumpkin (either cooked and pureed or canned) per day can help to regulate a dog’s system. The soluble fiber bulks the dog’s stool and helps express a dog’s anal glands naturally, too.      

If your pup is picky about what’s in their bowl, opt for a supplement or treats that have natural pumpkin ingredients for the same benefits.     

Because pumpkin is a low-calorie and high-fiber food, it can aid in weight management and may work well for fur-babies with diabetes. The orange fruit (yes, it’s a fruit!) is a great option that will help them feel full longer.      

How to Feed Pumpkin to Your Pet 

Pumpkin is a versatile ingredient and can be adapted to your pet’s palate easily. Find your four-legged friend’s favorite by mixing canned pumpkin or pumpkin puree into your dog or cat’s wet or dry food. Here are just a few ways to spoil your pet with a pumpkin treat:      

A note on canned pumpkin: When buying canned pumpkin, make sure there are no other ingredients. You’ll want to use pumpkin puree, not pumpkin pie filling. Pumpkin pie filling is indulgent—full of sugar, spices, oils, and other heavy additives that can make your dog or cat sick. Nutmeg is toxic to dogs in high amounts! To be on the safe side, stick to plain 100% pure pumpkin.      

Don’t Feed Raw Pumpkin to Your Pets

WARNING: Watch the jack-o’-lanterns around dogs and cats! Aside from the potential fire hazard, jack-o’-lanterns won’t agree with your fur-baby. Raw pumpkin goes bad quickly and should not be fed to your pet. Make sure to serve pumpkin that’s not too hard or textured for your pet to digest. Canned, pureed, and pumpkin-based pet foods are best.

 Read up on more fall precautions to have a happy and safe season with your fur-baby! Have a new furry family member? We have some tips for making the most out of their first fall with you!