Today was Fire Safety Day at JM Pet Resort and Pet Vet Clinic! Many of you know that we have temporarily closed PLAYtrain® Doggie Daycare on Wednesdays to give our staff time to get back to our Paw Print Principles and ensure that we are operating at our best for you and your furry family members.
Today was a great example of this. We were finally able to put our Emergency Fire Escape plan into action in our new building and it was a huge success! Our day began by reviewing our emergency evacuation plan in detail with all staff members, and completing fire safety and extinguisher training with R.E. Lyons & Sons. In the afternoon, our staff and furry friends participated in a full-scale fire evacuation drill - putting our plan into action to get all animals quickly and safely out of the building, to predetermined outdoor locations where they can be out of harm's way in the event of an emergency.
Our employees and fur-babies all did a fantastic job! We are happy to report that all animals were swiftly and calmly evacuated from the building during our drill. Our team members jumped into action to each carry out their role, ensuring all areas of the building were clear and all furry friends were accounted for.
Today's Fire Safety Day was one great example of how we're able to use Wednesdays for activities that enhance the safety and preparedness of our Resort and Clinic - so you can trust that when your pet is here, they are comfortable, cared for, and above all: safe.
To our loyal clients, thank you for always supporting us and for allowing us these Wednesdays to PAWS from PLAYtrain® Doggie Daycare so we can take time to conduct crucial training list this. Getting back to our Paw Print Principles helps us ensure we can show up at our best for you and your fur-babies every day!
To see more photos of our Fire Drill Evacuation in action, check out our Facebook album here!"