Dear Jeni: Any advice for upcoming fireworks and my dog? 

With summer here we can look forward to plenty of outdoor celebrations with our favorite animals; from back yard cookouts, to nature hikes, to trips to the beach. Our furry companions absolutely love to get outside and revel in the beautiful weather. However, there is one holiday where it’s best to leave your pets at home – Independence Day.     

Fourth of July fireworks are fun to watch, but can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for our dogs and cats. In fact, fireworks ranks higher than lightning and gunshots as the #1 most frightening noise our pets endure. It’s no wonder that on July 5th animal control officers report a 30% increase in lost pets. It is for these reasons that you should have a plan in mind for your pets before the party gets started.     

Just because you leave your pet at home doesn’t mean they are protected from the effects of fireworks. When loud noises begin to boom, signs of pet distress may include pacing, panting, trembling, hiding or not leaving your side, excessive salivation, destructiveness, excessive vocalization, and other anxious behaviors. If you live within earshot of a party, you can try to cover up the noises with a TV or stereo turned up. If you stay home you can try comforting your dog instead, but these noises are triggering a fight or flight response, and your reassurance may not amount to much relief.     

There are many options to swaddle your furry friend, including compression suits, thunder vests, or a tight blanket which may ease anxiety. Some pets have a preferred safe spot in their home, in their crate, in the basement, or a dark closet. Make these locations available for use in advance. If your pet is extremely anxious during these times, you may want to seek advice from your vet. Your vet may recommend an anti-anxiety medicine to calm your pet’s behaviors. Calming products like relaxation treats or CBD oil may also help; always use these products as directed. It is important to ask your vet what the potential side effects may be to determine the right choice for you and your companion.     

- Jeni (aka The Doglady)